About the Teacher

Meet Mrs. Paquette

About Mrs. Paquette


  • Mount Saint Mary’s University – Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies
  • Mount Saint Mary’s University – California Teaching Credential
  • San Diego State University – Master of Arts in Elementary Curriculum and Instruction

Mrs. Paquette is a native San Diegan and product of a Catholic education. She is a graduate of Saint Charles Borromeo Academy and the Academy of Our Lady of Peace. She received her B.A. in Liberal Studies and California teaching credential from Mount Saint Mary’s University in Los Angeles. Upon graduating, Mrs. Paquette returned to San Diego and began teaching. During this time, Mrs. Paquette’s love of learning led her to pursue her M.A. in Elementary Curriculum and Instruction at San Diego State University. She has 14 years of teaching experience within the Diocese of San Diego and has taught 1st through 5th grades.

“Education plays a vital role in who I am. I have had the opportunity to learn from many spectacular teachers throughout my educational career, and I hope to inspire my students to develop their own passion for learning, as well. I am committed to providing my students with a nurturing, challenging, and educational environment that will enable them to achieve academic success in 4th grade and beyond.”

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. “ – Anthony J. D’Angelo


Meeting with Mrs. Paquette

Parent conferences are available upon request. Please email me at mpaquette@svscatholic.org to schedule an appointment.